This Ancient Blood Letting Treatment Cured My Plantar Fasciitis

Sandy Rowley
13 min readNov 10, 2023


How Ancient Bloodletting Brought Relief to My Plantar Fasciitis

Getting up in the morning, was a painful experience. Setting the tone of my day. Battling with the persistent heel pain of plantar fasciitis, it affected everything about my life. Depression was setting in and I had to find a way to cure it once and for all.

After many failed treatments, doctor appointments, sound wave treatments and orthodics, I finally found something that worked.

I tried everything — ice packs (frozen peas, because who doesn’t like a side of veggies with their agony?), fancy insoles (like a mattress for my feet, only less comfortable), and even those gel heel cups (squishy, yet unamusing). But alas, the pain was persistant.

Here’s a step-by-step account of how I found relief through the traditional practice of bloodletting.

Step 1: Understanding the Pain
Plantar fasciitis manifests as a sharp, stabbing pain in the heel, often worst with the first steps in the morning. After trying conventional treatments…



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